South New Hope Cemetery Association

1410 County Road T

Amherst Junction, WI 54407

Cemetery Association

Make A Gift

Donations from friends such as yourself allow the South New Hope Cemetery Association to accomplish the many projects and goals of the Board of Trustees. We are asking all of you who are linked to South New Hope through relatives, the community or simply by the love of preserving old icons such as this old Norwegian Lutheran Cemetery, to consider helping us through your donation. Thank you in advance for your help.

Like all non-profits, we rely on volunteers to provide their talent and leadership on our teams or to lend a working hand for events, special projects, workdays and other activities. 

Who can volunteer? There really is no age requirement for volunteering. We have opportunities for confirmation classes, youth groups, scout troops adults, families, and parents. Contact us to lend your talents. 


The decision to preserve the old 100 plus year old church building, known as The South New Hope Church, was one of the most difficult decisions the Trustees has had to make. The decision was not taken lightly and did not come quickly. The Trustees wrestled almost a year with the question of demolishing vs. restoring the building. To find out more information on this fascinating journey or learn how you can help!!!

Church Renovations
About Us

The South New Hope Cemetery Association was formed after the closing of the church as an active congregation. The formation of this Cemetery Association was organized in compliance with the Wisconsin State Statutes and with the development of its own bylaws in 1967.

Read More

South New Hope Cemetery Association creates a seasonal newsletter.  This gives you a chance to see what's happening here.

Our mission is to restore and preserve the church and grounds and to develop historical archives preserving the heritage and memories for current and future generations so that all may experience how South New Hope Norwegian Lutheran Church served as the heart of the community.


To restore and preserve the church and grounds and to develop historical archives preserving the heritage and memories for current and future generations so that all may experience how South New Hope Norwegian Lutheran Church served as the heart of the community.


Wreaths Across America

December 16, 2023 at 10:00 am

South New Hope Cemetery is located at 1410 County Rd T, Township of New Hope, WI.

The church bell will ring once for each veteran that has been laid to rest in the cemetery. You are welcome to sponsor a wreath or participate with us in the laying of the wreaths. The wreaths are priced at $17 each which is our cost. The wreath donations can be mailed to: South New Hope Cemetery Association, PO Box 62, Nelsonville WI 54458 or donated at the event.