South New Hope Cemetery Association

1410 County Road T

Amherst Junction, WI 54407

Cemetery Association


Wikipedia says that “volunteering is generally considered an altruistic activity intended to promote good or improve human life, but people also volunteer for their own skill development, to meet others, make contacts for possible employment, to have fun and a variety of other reasons…”
Like all non-profits we rely on volunteers to provide leadership on our teams or to lend a working hand for events, special projects, workdays and other activities. Review the organizational chart of teams and their listed areas of responsibilities and pick a team that best suits your particular interests. Individuals are needed to help out on all the teams.
Who can volunteer? There really is no age requirement for volunteering. We have opportunities for confirmation classes, youth groups, scout troops adults, families, and parents. If you contact us we will provide you with a work project that will complement your situation.

Special workdays are organized throughout the year mainly for the care and improvement of the cemetery; however, there also have been workdays organized to help with the renovation of the church building. The Association is now organizing special events that will be open to the public which provide a lot of new opportunities to volunteer. All our workdays, events and activities are announced on our calendar on our web page or in our newsletter. We can be contacted at for additional information. Check out pictures below of prior workday events.


We have numerous opportunities for leadership and for the hands-on more physical work. Leadership can involve taking a position on the Board of Trustees or by heading up one of the teams that is outlined on the organizational chart. Joining a team and assisting a team leader opens a lot of new avenues for volunteering that can be very rewarding. There is also the opportunity to join in and help with one of our special workdays which would provide a more specialized work engagement.

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