South New Hope Cemetery Association

1410 County Road T

Amherst Junction, WI 54407

Cemetery Association


Looking for a place for a Christian services of baptisms, weddings, funerals, renewal of vows?  Possibly your next family reunions or community event?  Contact us for reservations.

Want to book an event?
Find out if we can help you.

 We invite people young and old to participate in the laying of wreaths on veterans' graves. The mission statement of Wreaths Across America, a non-profit organization is: Our mission, Remember, Honor, Teach, is carried out in part by coordinating wreath laying ceremonies a specified Saturday in December at Arlington, as well as veterans’ cemeteries and other locations in all 50 states, ceremonies at sea, and 24 national cemeteries on foreign soil. You can help by sponsoring a wreath for our cemetery, cost $15; mail your donation to South New Hope Church & Cemetery Association at P.O. Box 62, Nelsonville, WI 54458 and designate “Wreaths” on the check memo line.

Wreaths Across America
Annual Pie Social

Time to indulge yourself! The Pie Social will take place in the church from 11:00 am until all the pie is sold out. Funds collected will go toward the restoration of the historic church building. As you are out doing the Hidden Studios Art Tour and attending the famous working artist studios, we welcome you to stop by and have some pie, ice cream and a beverage. Both pie slices and whole pies are available to go. The church and cemetery are along the tour route, located within this beautiful rural and peaceful countryside.

"Firecracker" Parade

 The New Hope 4th of July parade is an annual parade that ends at South New Hope Church. Come join the other spectators. It is a parade that you will never forget. The church will be open prior to the start of the parade, so it is a great opportunity to go inside or stroll the cemetery grounds before and after the parade. Water, soda, popcorn, and ice cream will be available on the grounds.

Congratulations to Stormy Gerndt and Andrew Poeschel as they begin their new life together. Their wedding on June 11th was a proud day for all involved.  We at SNH wish them the best that life together can bring.

Spring Workday
Fall Workday

Gather with other volunteers. Many improvements to the cemetery grounds are anticipated with your willing backs and hands. We are continuing to improve the physical appearance of the cemetery grounds. Work begins at 8:00 am. Bring a snack for 10:30 am break. Come for the whole time or part time, any help is welcome.

Gather with other volunteers. Many improvements to the cemetery grounds are anticipated with your willing backs and hands. We are continuing to improve the physical appearance of the cemetery grounds. Work begins at 8:00 am. Bring a snack for 10:30 am break. Come for the whole time or part time, any help is welcome.